
Nets are a great instructional tool in Geometry, but can take a significant amount of time for students (or the teacher) to cut out. Here is a set of standard nets that can be quickly cut on the Cricut for students’ use, as well as a set of nets that can be 3D printed for small groups.

MakerSpace Files

Below are the set of Cricut files for different nets.

Click here to download STL files for different nets for 3D printing.

The cost of the paper-based manipulative is the same as the cost of paper. We strongly recommend cardstock be used for the paper versions, as this will be easier for the Cricut to cut and for the folds to work when using with students.
The cost for 3D printed versions for the above link are listed below, with a total cost of $1.32 for a small group set.

grams of PLA
per print
Cost ($18 / Kg)
per print
Cube18.02$0.3253 min
Rectangular Prism24.23$0.441 hr 12 min
Triangular Prism11.06$0.2042 min
Rectangular Pyramid11.69$0.2144 min
Triangular Pyramid8.50$0.1531 min
Estimated time is based on 0.6mm nozzle.

Examples of Use

Creating Shapes

Engaging students in folding their own shapes (such as cubes) from paper nets is an effective activity. The Cricut merely cuts the paper for the teacher/students (thus saving valuable time) and the 3D printed version of the nets provide a concrete reference for students to model their paper-based constructions. The 3D printed net is easy to fold/unfold and gives students a useful and tactile example as they consider how to fold their own nets and tape them together.

In the below right-hand image, a partly folded 3D printed cube is juxtaposed against a paper net being folded. By having the 3D printed example, students can use them to scaffold their own folding of paper nets. Additionally, students may begin to think about how they can change a net to get the same shape.

More to come…

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